Saturday, April 24, 2010

Monarchy Collection

As an Asian American myself, I look to Eric Kim as a hero. He started the Monarchy Collection after working for many other successful brands such as Interstate, Pure Garden, and Rampage. Haven't heard of them? Neither have I. Perhaps, the success of Monarchy has shadowed these other names. Kim's goal was to provide a competing American brand to go against UK brands such as Diesel and G-Star. His long term goal is to become a recognized American staple brand.

Eric Kim's rise to designer recognizability is very credible. He became the CEO of Interstate through his skills and designs. The company grew to a 36 million dollar company after he started working for them.

He started Monarchy with his fellow group member from a Porsche automotive group. His brand is featured in stores such as Metro Park and is worn by many celebrities. He combines UK rock designs with American styles.

Watch Eric Kim's interview here:

For his collection, check out

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