Sunday, March 28, 2010

Threadless T's!

T-shirts have become the choice for everyday wear for many people. The T-shirt departments of major brands have become very creative by designing a graphic, color, or fit suitable for every person. One of the brands that have recently blown up is Threadless. Jake Nickell and Jacob DeHart started the company with a thousand dollars. Since then, the company has grown to become of the most popular brands among college kids.

The competitive designing for this company is what gives them the edge. The designs of the t-shirts are submitted by an online community. About 1,500 people design shirts each week, 10 of them are voted to be made in the online store. The winners are given a prize money of $2000.

Sounds like a great idea, doesn't it? Threadless has found a way to respond to the ever changing fashion of college kids weekly. People can now find a place to show off their artistic talents in a whole new way as well. Check them out:

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